When we use our Psychic abilities we connect on all different energetic levels..human..inhuman ..environmental .etc .if we absorb too much of the negative energy it can wreak havoc on our lives,, our relationships,,our health.
So what do we do as Psychics, no matter what level we are at when negative energy comes our way? If someone is nasty to us? Someone cuts us off when we are driving? What is the way we respond to the negative?!!! If we do not learn to push it away and some times just let things go we can end up having many issues. If we don't have a way to clear our fields we can end up becoming confrontational,,angry or just plain mean,,lets talk tonight about some of the ways we can keep our responses to negativity less personal and keep our spiritual fields clear, clean and healthy and as a result allowing continual (Clean) communication with spirit which is NEEDED when we do our work with others.
Come in and chat or please feel free to call with your questions or comments.