Join us tonight as we welcome Terri Jay, The Messenger
Terri Jay enjoys a solid reputation as an intuitive, medium and animal communicator. She is also renowned as a medical and veterinary intuitive. She regularly talks to spirits in the course of her work, particularly when helping people deal with the loss of a loved one. Along with her paranormal work on the “other side,” Terri also works with people who have communication disorders such as autism, Alzheimer’s, traumatic brain injuries, people who are comatose, and babies who have just not yet learned to talk. She also does a lot of "debunking" of purported hauntings showing people that it can be simple 'stuck' energy, and Teri shows people how clearing an area is more then just smudging.
Call ins are welcome to ask Terri a question,,please join us in chat and ask your questions there or make comments.
You do not want to miss this show Teri is an extraordinary woman with extraordinary gifts.