Join us for a special testimony of how one woman showed the courage to "go and love our world" from North America to Central America and became a key solution to forever reach her new found neighbors, in Honduras.
Maria Melgarejo, the founder of GLOW International.
GLOW International, began with a simple mandate to Go Love Our World. Sounds easy enough, right? This “GLOW” idea began stirring in my heart a few years ago when I went on a mission trip as an interpreter. What was a simple outreach turned into a calling as I witnessed first-hand the poverty of a third world country.
With my ability to speak the local language I was able to understand more fully the needs of the community and the local resources that might be available. I came home with a burden to do something….but how could I offer a hand up, not a hand out? What could I do that would empower others and yet still be sustainable?
This year, when I went on mission again, I found myself in a small town in Northwest Honduras. I was surprised to discover that there were resources available in the community…that no one knew about. For whatever reason, organizations were not communicating with each other and therefore, the impact on the community was limited. I asked myself, “What would happen if I worked with local partners by simply connecting the dots between organizations and ministries?
Before my two weeks were over, GLOW International was born.