Something funky is afoot when the clothes on the USS Sisyphus go missing.
Improvised in a live performance at GenreThon 2019 at the OtherWorld Theatre in Chicago, IL
Recorded August 24, 2019
Includes cast warmups - full episode begins at 15:00
Rayna Caskey as Ensign Bobbi Intern
Dan Granta as Lt. DuFarge
Sean Kelley as Cmdr. Crick Watson, a shirt
Chris Rathjen as Cmdr. Corbomite Hayes, a shirt
Nick Wagner as Lt. Ch’arles Lorem, Gavin
Mary Cait Walthall as Dr. Zarlene Zonalzon, En. Operator, a shirt
Julia Weiss as Lt. Rita King, Ensign Spot, Michelln
Matt Young as Captain Julius Valentine Baxter, pants
Winner of "Best of the Fest" for the GenreThon
Video available at
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