Grabbing a table, with the rest of his party on the way, proves to be one of Captain Baxter’s most infuriating missions.
Improvised February 3rd 2019 from a suggestion by Julia Bedford via Facebook.
Matt Young as Captain Baxter and Ambassador who likes to Annex
Chris Rathjen as Comdr. Corbomite Hayes, SpappleBees Employee and Mind Parasite.
Nick Wagner as Lt. Ch’arles Lorem
Sean Kelley as Cmdr. Crick Watson and Ambassador Glaukon
Mary Cait Walthall as Zarlene Zonalzon and Bartender/Mind Parasite
Rayna Caskey as En. Bobbi Intern and Maitre ‘d
Edited by Hannah Parsons
Sponsored by Cards Against Humanity via the Chicago Podcast Coop
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