The crew is going to the cargo bay, and they’re gonna get ma-a-arried.
Improvised January 20, 2019 from a suggestion by Orla McGovern via Facebook.
Edited by Chris Rathjen
Rayna Caskey as En. Bobbi Intern, Skrynexian Footsoldier
Sean Kelley as Lt. Carl, Lt. Cdr. Crick Watson, Skrynexian Footsoldier
Chris Rathjen as Cdr. Corbomite Hayes, Undifferentiated Soup-Spouse, Fleet/C
Nick Wagner as Ch’arles Lorem, Rip Soupley, Skrynexian Footsoldier, Moot/A
Mary Cait Walthall as Dr. Zarlene Zonalzon, Admiral Portia Hayes, En. Cecile Operator, Skrynexian Captain, Tira, Glorbel/B
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