Now the problem is, not everyone notices these little changes and even if they do notice them, they don’t see them as signs. And if you miss the sign, you miss knowing that you are a powerful reality creator and that you are shifting your world and creating your dream. (Boni Lonnsburry)
Join Mary and Faye as they discuss some of their "wow" we did it again moments of creating and becoming a reality creator. Don't miss this show, it maybe a sign for YOU!
Mary is a radio talk show host, author of the popular book “A Pocket Full of Prayers – A Heart Full of Hope” and a faith based intuitive. For over 20 years, Mary has shared her intuitive, angelic guidance with clients from all over the world and from all walks of life.
Faye Nulman is life guide, conduit of living information and a sacred listener to provide you with loving information on your path of peace, joy and balance.