  • 6 years ago

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  • 30:00

How to Love More and Hurt Less

What If You Just Imagine The Show that keeps your Imagination and Dreams Soaring
Join Mary and special guest host Faye Nulman as they discuss the ins and outs of relationship management. Love and failure do not reside together. For when you have loved, you have succeeded, every time. It was Wayne Dyer that said “not every relationship is meant to last forever."  Relationships can be our greatest teachers; it is often through them that we discover the most about ourselves. In relationships, we are provided with an opportunity to look into a mirror, revealing what we need to work on as individuals in order to be the best version of ourselves. So lets begin to value our relationships for each one is a gift of wisdom that our souls vibrate higher from. Mary is a radio talk show host, author of the popular book “A Pocket Full of Prayers – A Heart Full of Hope” and a faith based intuitive.  For over 20 years, Mary has shared her intuitive, angelic guidance with clients from all over the world and from all walks of life.  www.globalhealing-soul-utions.com   Faye Nulman is life guide, conduit of living information and a sacred listener to provide you with loving information on your path of peace, joy and balance. http://akneadedescape.com/

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