Aired Sunday, 11 December 2016, 2:00 PM ET
We bring the energy of Divine Mother Mary to the airwaves thru fully body channel Danielle Gibbons. Join us for a deeply touching show with author and channel Danielle Gibbons as she shares her experience channeling Mother Mary and the joys and difficulties of her own pathway to love. Mother Mary will speak through Danielle to offer Her love and wisdom to all.
About the Guest Danielle Gibbons
Danielle Gibbons is known as an engaging and inspiring speaker. She brings her devotion and humor to her many public appearances, helping people feel at ease and welcome in preparation of receiving Mother Mary’s presence and blessing. Danielle has served Mother Mary since 1994. Her own very human struggle with the obsession of addiction and emergence back into the joy of living makes her ideal in this service. Her willingness to honestly share her experiences both past and present, gives people hope that no matter where they find themselves in their lives, they can benefit from Mother Mary’s teachings.
Mother Mary has served humanity for thousands of years. As Divine Mother, Her grace, wisdom, and loving guidance encourages millions to love themselves as She does, unconditionally.
Together, they inspire individuals to awaken and expand their consciousness through best selling courses, life changing retreats, and on-line events. Mother Mary’s Pathway to Love is their first book together.