Aired Sunday, 16 October 2016, 2:00 PM ET
On Sunday, October 16th, Circle of Hearts Radio, delves into the Sunhect of Suicide so we may understand somehow the why”s of it. Suicide is one subject not many wish to talk about, but in these very difficult times e are seeing a lot of. So time to bring it out openly and see some perspective on a highly emotional subject.
About the Guest Steffany Barton
As a young teen in a fundamental Baptist youth group, Steffany Barton experienced a tragedy unimaginable when a friend committed suicide. Seeking answers, longing to understand his soul’s whereabouts, she began a quest through traditional religion, the medical community, and then spiritualism, to discover that all souls find welcome rest on the Other Side. Steffany Barton, RN, is a professional medium who has a personal and professional passion for assisting those who have been affected by suicide.
In her book, Facing Darkness Finding Light, Steffany documents her decades-long journey to understanding and embracing the valuable lessons offered in life after suicide. With personal passion and professional integrity, she carefully listens to the voices of departed souls and compassionately speaks to those left behind, building a bridge of timeless love between heaven and earth. Those who commit suicide communicate clearly and lovingly from a place of unconditional Love where their souls dwell on the Other Side.
Facing Darkness, Finding Light provides insight into the afterlife of those who commit suicide, sheds the light on healing in life after suicide, and shares meaningful techniques for forging new bonds between the departed and those left behind. Though the journey begins in the darkness of death, there is hope, there is light.