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  • 50:18

GTM08 - Cyber Leadership, with Jonathan Gill, CEO, Panaseer

Notion Capital - enterprise tech startups

Jonathan ‘Jono’ Gill has been a student of personal growth and development ever since he held down 4 simultaneous jobs whilst still at university. It was great to sit down and chat with Jono as he talked about how his early career prepared him for the world of sales, and how this combined with the rise of the cyber industry, set him up for his latest challenge as CEO of Panaseer. The pandemic challenged many leaders on how to manage in the new remote world, and Jono talks about what lessons he used in leading a company where he had not even met many of the leadership team or company! The world of cyber is growing fast, but it’s also crowded and noisy with many conflicting messages and tools vying for attention. Here we unpick why the new category of CCM (Continuous Controls Monitoring) as pioneered by Panaseer, lifts them out of the noise and delivers demonstrable value. It’s fascinating to listen to a CEO plot the course of a rocketship company, delving into not just the sales and product direction, but also how effective leadership has the biggest impact.

- You’re responsible for your personal growth and development - your future is in your hands
- Your three motives and how they lead to a CEO path
- An organisation doesn’t have physical boundaries anymore
- Organisations typically have 100’s of cyber tools - but SaaS means you need to be a promise maker and a promise keeper
- How do you capture and sell the parity wedge
- Security incidents were up 400% during the pandemic - how does Continuous Controls Monitoring (CCM) help manage the threat

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