  • 8 years ago

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  • 13:43

Praise And Your Victory - Part 5

Hearts Ablaze Corner

This five part series: Praise and Your Victory, will help us see the correlation between praising God and walking in victory, continually. Praising God is spiritual health made audible. In other words, spiritually healthy people are not afraid to be loud, vocal, undignified praisers of God. Too often, we overlook praise and we fail to give it its rightful place in our lives. We, at least, attempt to pray every day but do we, also, see the need to praise God, every day. Praise helps to draw us closer to God, but when we are outside of God's perfect plan for our lives, when our lives are not in alignment with God's will, we do not have the desire to praise Him. We actually avoid doing so. We need to truly hear Psalm 22:3, “God, You are the holy One. You sit as King upon the praises of israel.” God loves our praise. He inhabits the praises of His people. When we bring and keep God, our Jehovah Nissi, enthroned in our hearts; when praising God becomes our lifestyle, victory is assured.


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