The tongue is in our mouth and it's a very powerful instrument. It's also a weapon that can work for us, or against us. Our tongue can enlarge our coasts and those of others or destroy our destiny and that of others. In this two part series, we’ll consider both the negative side: how our tongue can work against us and we'll end on a positive note: God's intent for the use of our tongue.
Too often, we disregard how we use words, using many and in a very flippant and/or destructive manner. In doing so, we are providing the enemy with ammunition to use against us. We are shooting ourselves in the foot with our words.
Matt 12:34 tells us that words are the overflow of our heart. Words flow from our heart and they tell who we are. They betray the state of our heart. If we listen to our words and those of others, we will know what is in our heart and in that of others.
Our words create an atmosphere, an environment, which will either sustain our life and nourish us, or will cause us to wither like a plant without water. What’s in our mouth is more important than we realize, as it helps to define the course of “lives.” Join us as we talk about what’s in our mouth!
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