So, it is end of the year 2021. I am sure it is not going to be to anyone’s surprise when I say that this year was not an easy one. Of course, Covid-19 played and continues to play in that, but so is the daily challenges and problems that we all face. Many of us never admit that they are going through some tough times just because for whatever reason it is not the topic that many people want to talk about with others, and in some cases not even sharing their challenges with their own family members. Why? I do not know. I believe that it is important to be honest with ourselves and those whom we care about and trust and be able to have an open and honest conversation when appropriate. Not only does it help to free our mind and our head from constant worries and stress, but also it is a fantastic opportunity to obtain someone else’s thoughts, opinions, and recommendations pertaining to the situation that we may be in, and to find potential solution together versus trying to do it all on our own.
With all this being said, as year is ending, now is a wonderful opportunity to take some time to reflect on everything that has happened, everything we continue to deal with, both good and no so good. This is also a great time to analyze actions we took to address and overcome some challenges we faced during the year, in order to document and have a plan of action when similar situations or challenges come up in the future.
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