  • 6 years ago

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  • 08:07

Episode 69 - Don't forget to enjoy life

Aleksandr E Kheyson | Heart & Mind of a Leader

Hey everyone!


My name is Alex E Kheyson, and I want to welcome you to the Heart & Mind of a Leader podcast, wish you the best of luck and determination on your exciting and often challenging personal development and professional growth journey.


Can I ask you for a big favor? Could you please leave your honest feedback about the topic, content, level of interest and engagement after listening to this episode of the Heart & Mind of a Leader podcast. Also, please let me know if you found this episode especially helpful in your existing situation, based on where you are today in your life and career.  I appreciate your support in helping me to create and share topics and information with each episode that is actionable and relatable to those listening and following this show. 


Some of the key questions and points that I cover in this episode are:


  • The importance of enjoying life and enjoying the moment despite all challenges and difficulties that we all face in our personal or professional lives
  • Can you put your work or business life on hold for some time, doesn't have to be a long time, in order to enjoy the life around you your family and friends? Remembering and learning to unwind, relax, spend some time outdoors, appreciate the nature and those that you love
  • Can you say that you've recently allowed yourself to relax, reward yourself for everything that you do every day, and spend some time, even just a couple of hours allowing your mind to listen to the sounds of nature and world around you?


I hope you enjoyed listening and find this episode useful for you or someone else that you may know. Please share this episode if you know someone who may benefit from listening to it

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