This episode of Heart to Heart with Anna involves news regarding Heart Month 2024. In this episode, you’ll learn about who our guest next week will be, how Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day came to be and what it has evolved to. You’ll also learn about how Baby Hearts Press, a publishing company devoted to the CHD community, has a special sale for Heart Month and how we’ll be conducting a Book Study of Volume One of The Heart of a Heart Warrior.
You’ll also learn about the new writers’ platform we’re working with to create some new books. Scribophile is a place for writers to come together to support one another. Join us in the Heart to Heart group for information for the CHD community.
Lastly, I’ll be sharing some behind-the-scenes information about The Heart of a Heart Warrior, our Kickstarter campaign, and why I’ve decided to record the audiobook this month—and give it away freely on Heart to Heart with Anna.
This episode features the front matter of the Kickstarter edition of the book. The Kickstarter edition of The Heart of a Heart Warrior contains the first three volumes in one hardcover edition of the book. In this podcast episode, you’ll hear me reading the poem that starts our book—‘I am a Miracle Child’ by Becca Atherton, the Dedication, Foreword, Preface, Acknowledgements, Introduction, and the opening to Volume One: Survival.
Helpful Links:
Baby Hearts Press Submission Page:
Baby Hearts Press Bookstore:
Scribophile Heart to Heart Group:
Victoria and Rita’s episode about CHD Awareness:
Anna's Buzzsprout Affiliate Link
Baby Blue Sound Collective
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