Previously on Pretend, we dived deep into the murky waters of academic fraud. Celebrity behavioral scientist Dan Ariely of Duke University, alongside Francesca Gino from Harvard and other distinguished behavioral scientists, embarked on a series of experiments with a noble aim: to enhance honesty among individuals.
Their investigation centered on whether positioning an honesty pledge at the top of a form, as opposed to the bottom, would discourage deceit. However, it emerged that two out of the three experiments underpinning the study were marred by fabricated data.
I interviewed Dan Ariely about these troubling allegations, but our conversation was cut short. I assumed that was the last time I would hear from him. Surprisingly, Ariely reached out, proposing a second interview to directly address what he termed as "false accusations" on my podcast. He stipulated, "If you intend to add these false accusations to the podcast, maybe it's best to have another session and get my answers on the record, but I will ask you to promise me not to edit these. And to give my answers exactly as I present them. If you're up for this, let's schedule a sum If you're up for this, let's schedule something." And so, I agreed.
You're going to listen to my follow-up interview with Dan Ariely. I will, however, interject here and there to add context. But rest assured, every moment of our 43-minute exchange will be presented. I'll upload the raw, unedited versions of both interviews on Patreon and Pretend Plus, accessible for free. You don't need a subscription to tune in.
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