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Speak It

The Christ Quarter

The four verses we have today are very powerful, especially when we are starting something new.  They show God creating and they show at least one way for us to create.

In verses one and two, God looked over His creation.  In verse three He took a step towards sculpting His creation and making it more as He wanted it to be.

But, why did God show us these steps?  He could have created the earth in its final form to begin with.  Why go through these steps?  I believe one reason for His doing this, is to show us how to plan and how to work.

If we were to follow God’s procedure here, we would choose our task or idea.  Review it carefully and then, when we’re ready, speak it into the light.  Speaking it into the light is giving voice to what we are going to do, what we are going to create.  Literally speaking it into reality.

Speaking our intentions out loud to ourselves is a very powerful action, especially if we do it everyday.  It makes our plans real and motivates us to work towards fulfilling them.  Thinking about your plans is daydreaming and fantasizing, speaking your plans out loud is planning.  I’m not the type of person to tell all my friends and family what I’m working on, people tend to throw cold water on plans that are not theirs - even if they don’t intend to.  Some plans I keep between me and God.

Which brings me to verse 7.  When we have reviewed our plans, goals, intentions and tasks, give them to God.  Ask God to guide you in what to do and how to go about doing it.  Expect God to provide you with whatever it is you’re looking for.  Expect God to open doors that you didn’t even know needed to be opened.  Give your plan to God, work on your plan and execute your plan to His glory.

Once you have given your work to God, He will guide you.  Be careful what you ask for though because you will find that God will move your life towards that goal.

In the beginning of this new year, take time to carefully look over your life and situation.  Is there something that you need to take to God?  Is there a part of your life that needs to be worked on?  Is there some work that you know God wants you to do but you haven’t been working on it.  Take time today to pray, make your plans and speak them into the light.

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