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The distinct history of the famous Great Pyramids has been studied for many years by people who study archaeology. The pyramids were built nearly 5,000 years ago!
According to ancient Egyptians, kings played an important role in the building of the pyramids. Egyptians believed that kings were chosen by the gods and that, when a king died, he went on to become the god of the dead in the afterlife. Gold, food, and clothes were buried with the body so that the spirit would have these things in the afterlife.
The royal family and other elite individuals were also buried near the king. Pyramids were founded for the sole reason of helping the king by containing his things for the afterlife.
The biggest of the three pyramids is known as the Great Pyramid. This structure took over twenty years to engineer. The Great Pyramid is made of over 2.5 million stone blocks; the base alone covers an area of thirteen acres. (One acre is almost the size of a football field.) The visible core of the Great Pyramid was originally covered by smooth casing stones. Some of the casing stones that cover the surface can still be seen at the base. The stones were laid so well that there is not a single gap between them.
The interior of the Great Pyramid is accessible through stairs that lead to a channel, which then divides into a corridor going up and another going down. The rising corridor goes up to the Queen’s Chamber, the Grand Gallery, and the king’s Chamber. The other corridor goes down to an underground chamber and an escape tunnel.
The Sphinx is a big statue of a lion with a human head and can be found near the Great Pyramid. The statue is also made from big stones, and it is said to guard the pyramid.
Surrounded by history and mystery, the Great Pyramids of Egypt are a popular place to visit, and tourists come from around the world to see their glory.
Thanks for listening😉💚
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