  • 7 months ago

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  • 29:01

79- The Knight's Plan

داستان های کوتاه انگلیسی | English Story | آموزش زبان انگلیسی
✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:A town was fighting for their independence from another country. Several rebels started a revolution. However, they were afraid of an invasion from a lot of troops. They didn’t have enough warriors to stop the enemy, so they asked a knight for help.The knight made a plan. A tall mountain was outside the town. The road near the top was very narrow. Cliffs rose on both sides of it.“We must trick the enemy. They have to follow us up the mountain,” the knight explained. “On the narrow path, only a few can attack us at one time.”The people agreed with the knight’s plan.The knight put on his armor, and the warriors got their spears. When the enemy attacked, the knight and warriors acted as if they were afraid. They quickly withdrew toward the mountain. The enemy troops followed them up the steep path. Soon, the enemy became tired.At the summit, the knight and his troops stopped. The enemy was close behind them. But now they were tired. Also, only a few could attack because the path was narrow.The knight and the warriors fought the enemy. But there were too many troops. The knight was afraid. If the warriors yielded the path to the enemy, the town would be lost. A storm suddenly came over the mountain. There was strong wind and rain. Thunder boomed.Lightning struck some trees near the enemy. The trees blazed. The flames scared the enemy, and they retreated. They ran down the mountain, out of the town, and never returned. The knight explained, “With a little luck, a good plan beats even a big army.”Thanks for listening😉💚

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