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1411 FBF: Cash Flowing in a Higher Rate World: The Return of Deferred Down Pa

Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing & Income Property
Todays Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 1064, originally published October 1, 2018 Jason Hartman takes today’s episode to discuss how investors can cash flow in a world that features increasing interest rates. With the Fed continually raising rates on their way to their goal, investors are seeing their rates slowly rise. Jason takes some time to discuss 3 strategies investors can use to help profit during these times and bring a new report from the self management journey of client Andrew Baker. Finally, producer Adam talks with a lender from the network about where rates are today, where they’re expected to go in the next few months, and where they’re likely to end up once the Fed stops raising. Key Takeaways: [4:20] What things to expect coming back to the market as interest rates rise [7:59] Pricing a mortgage from the perspective of the mortgage company [9:12] Calculate when your break even point for paying a buy down is to determine whether or not you should do it [11:49] Some more from Andrew Baker’s self management adventure Mortgage Minutes for October 2018 [24:39] Do points make sense right now? [27:22] Where can we expect interest rates to be by the time the Fed is doing raising rates? Website: www.JasonHartman.com/Properties Profits in Paradise The PropertyCast

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