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Ep. 108 The Superhero vs. The Imposter Syndrome Villain

Rockstar Mentor
Ep. 108 The Superhero vs. The Imposter Syndrome Villain The Superhero vs. The Imposter Syndrome. “With great power, comes great responsibility.” – Spiderman “Life doesn't give us purpose. We give life purpose.” – The Flash “You’re much stronger than you think you are. Trust me.” – Spiderman Do any of these quotes sound familiar? Well they should, and you will have your own quote for success too! You are your best Superhero, you can achieve super powers with fending off the forces of doubt. Be prepared, get your cape, shield and best superhero stance to bring you to the best in what you so without falling victim to The Imposter Syndrome.  Your success in your business is on adopting courage, get your metal arsenal in ch, raise the anty, get your game face on, keep reinventing and put on your Superhero cape. make it part of who you are. Stand the stance, raise your head, feel like you can totally take over the world. Be your own Superhero ! Believe that you can – We all get knocked down in life, with personal issues, business, professional life etc. You simply wipe your knees off, get up, stay tenacious, and conquer your best self... and the world! Get back up and move forward. Is failure an option??? sure....Failure is an option if you allow it to be. Believing in yourself is the key to being the best Superhero . Shield your passions, superheros know how to deflect the Negative Nancy's, the nay-sayers, and the Debbie Downers. Protect what you are passionate about and use that shield to protect you from that discouragement. Comments from these negative people can and will hinder your ability to move forward. The imposter syndrome. This is one of the all time villains of the entrepreneurial business world. The villain is really good at capturing its prey, it causes you to doubt your expertise, your knowledge, it kicks you when you are down and will bite your head off if you are not careful. Do not let the imposter syndrome villain get the best of you. Get your weapons, your shield, sword, spidey senses, rays guns and your positive mindset to chase away this nasty and persistent villain. You know you look amazing in your Superhero crown, you cape and stance, so why do we let this villain get the best of us. Because it's human nature to cast doubt upon yourself. Listen up for a super motivating episode today! Let's do this!!! NEW Motivational Freebie Download Click here to get yours! HEY, IF YOU WANT TO GET MY FREE EXHIBITOR TOOLKIT GET IT NOW BEFORE IT GOES AWAY! Click here to get the toolkit! Check these episodes out on the website at http://rockstarmentor.com/podcasts/ Or whatever podcast player you prefer (ie., iTunes. Stitcher Radio, Google Play, TuneIn etc). For the full summary of the Rockstar Mentor show notes visit me at http://rockstarmentor.com/blog and http://rockstarmentor.com/podcasts Please visit our website to sign up to be on the front lines of amazing information and free downloads that I have prepared especially for you. http://rockstarmentor.com Visit me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/crushitmentor Visit me on Instagram: Support the show

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