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Ep. 104: Competition, Collaboration and Character, no trophies please

Rockstar Mentor
Ep. 104: Competition, Collaboration and Character, no trophies please Let me ask you, if you drank a weak cup of coffee that appeared less than stellar how would you feel? Would you give it a participation trophy and call it a day? Would you return it and know that there was potential there... somewhere? I know there is no loss for this cup of coffee and it can be better. Stronger, Bolder, Great, This weeks show I am focusing on "Competition, Collaboration and Character, with no trophies please!" I learned to "suck it up" when I was growing up to strive to be my best, to learn lessons based on my own failures, to know what it feels like to lose at things, to not getting that perfect job, to have the ability to build character without losing integrity. working hard for that promotion, being rewarded for my hard work, and achieving success....not because I just showed up. I know this may be a hot topic for some and a "heck ya" moment for many others. I have two sons whom I taught to take pride in the work that they do and follow through with their projects and passions. There were no participation trophies in our house, you earned your way to achieve the reward and feeling accomplishment in that feat. (plus these PT's were relatively new on the scene and it wasn't bad that they thought participation trophies were dumb in the first place).  My theory is that these started with a lonely trophy guy who had way too much inventory and wanted a clever way to re-market trophies and came up with this money making idea. You might consider this the no trophy zone.....There is such an amazing feeling to have worked hard to accomplish something, whether its a sport, job, project, or business, maybe it's because I have been around and have worked in such strict work places and environments, when you didn't carry the load in your job, you knew it! When you had to shake the hands of the winners at a softball game when your team was the one that lost, you learned and dealt with the consequences.  As far as I recall, we felt disappointed in the loss, but the takeaway was to work together as a team and practice to be better. To be great. These skills and personal challenges are an important factor to build character and boost self respect so that you can sustain and be tough for all of the challenges that life will be throwing at you. Today's episode will be an honest and truth be told summary of how to toughen up and become resilient to these competitive and sometime ruthless encounters that we have to deal with in today's business and personal environments. Are you ready to knock it out of the park....?  I am.  Let's do this! NEW Motivational Freebie Download Click here to get yours! HEY, IF YOU WANT TO GET MY FREE EXHIBITOR TOOLKIT GET IT NOW BEFORE IT GOES AWAY! Click here to get the toolkit! Check these episodes out on the website at http://rockstarmentor.com/podcasts/ Or whatever podcast player you prefer (ie., iTunes. Stitcher Radio, Google Play, TuneIn etc). For the full summary of the Rockstar Mentor show notes visit me at http://rockstarmentor.com/blog and http://rockstarmentor.com/podcasts Please visit our website to sign up to be on the front lines of amazing information and free downloads that I have prepared especially for you. Support the show

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