Timecodes: 0:00 Start 01:36 No updates on the Troll Farm Situation 03:15 Hells Angels and Simone Biles 07:46 Favorite & least favorite things about ourselves 16:33 Who is the most beloved celebrity? 20:56 Who is the most successful person in your eyes? 28:49 What is something popular now that annoys you? 34:18 Worst person to be stuck in an elevator with 41:33 Strangest themed restaurant you've ever heard of? 46:35 What are your 2 year goals? 50:28 Video Voicemails ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PRESENTED BY MANGO SHOTTA: Stay Spicy with Mango Shotta https://www.mangoshotta.com/ Cann: Head to DrinkCann.com and use code KFC20 for 20% off your order of Cann and a free Roadie 6pk sampler.
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