Partakers Friday Prayers!
We pray together and when Christians pray together, including across the internet and from different times, different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity!
You, Lord, through your works have revealed the everlasting structure of the world.
You, Lord, created the earth.
You are faithful throughout all generations,
righteous in your judgments,
marvellous in strength and majesty,
wise in creating and prudent in establishing what exists,
good in all that is observed and faithful to those who trust in you,
merciful and compassionate;
forgive us our sins and our injustices, our transgressions and our shortcomings.
Do not take into account every sin of your servants,
but cleanse us with the cleansing of your truth,
and "direct our steps to walk in holiness and righteousness and purity of heart,"
and "to do what is good and pleasing in your sight"
and in the sight of our rulers.
Yes, Lord, "let your face shine upon us" in peace "for our good,"
that we may be sheltered "by your mighty hand"
and delivered from every sin "by your uplifted arm";
deliver us as well from those who hate us unjustly.
Give harmony and peace to us and to all who dwell on the earth,
just as you did to our fathers when they reverently "called upon you in faith and trust,"
that we may be saved,
while we render obedience to your almighty and most excellent name,
and give harmony and peace to our rulers and governors on earth.
(Taken from Clement of Rome in a letter to the church in Corinth around AD96)
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