  • 12 years ago

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  • 14:42

Dr. Will Ward, Science Wizard: Taxing Our Patience

Centauri Express Audio Magazine

ARTC's Podcast

Welcome again to the ARTC Podcast, your monthly source for free, original audio drama!

This month: Size: 6.9M Duration: 14:41

This month we bring you Dr. Will Ward, Science Wizard: Taxing Our Patience by Dave Schroeder, performed live at LibertyCon, July 21, 2012

Next live show...


Dragon*Con. Our biggest shows of the year. So we pull out all the stops.

Here's this year's lineup:
Friday, August 31, 2012 - 7:00pm
Hyatt Regency VI-VII
The Wood-Bound Werewolf by Kelley S. Ceccato

Sunday, September 2, 2012 - 7:00pm
Hyatt Regency VI-VII
Rory Rammer, Space Marshal: The Murder of Skip Sagan by Ron N. Butler
The Rats in the Walls by H. P. Lovecraft

Lovecraft's Nightmares

Did we say Dragon*Con was our biggest show of the year? I suppose it is if you consider the convention as a single show. But what if ARTC did a different show every weekend for a month? That would be a nightmare for the producers and the tech staff (the actors think it's kind of fun).

But if we did it in October at the Academy Theatre...that would be Lovecraft's Nightmares.

We don't want to give away everything just yet (which is why the image is so small), but complete information will come in next month's newsletter. If you're an H. P. Lovecraft fan, this will be your month!


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