  • 13 years ago

  • 1

  • 51:25

Episode 58: Can playing rock music on your string instrument actually be ... gasp ... good for you?

Violin Adventures with Rachel Barton Pine

Episode 58: Can playing rock music on your string instrument actually be ... gasp ... good for you?
Upcoming Events: February 11 - Tchaikovsky Concert with the Bilkent Symphony in Ankara, Turkey, February 13 and 14 - Trio Settecento at Dumbarton Oaks in Washington, DC, February 23 and 24 - Glazunov Concerto with the Bournemouth Symphony, February 27 - recital for the Ladies' Morning Musical Club in Montreal

Inquiries from my Inbox: Christopher asks, “My school is holding auditions for its annual Bach festival, and the conductor gave us the entire B Minor Mass to practice. However, practicing the entire thing front to back is incredibly time consuming, and I'm hoping there's a better, more efficient way to get this done.” Heather writes, “I am having my solo debut with orchestra coming up in March and am playing the Mendelssohn. I am a professional player, though not a soloist. How do you handle the endurance that it takes to get through a piece like this? I am exhausted for sure after playing a symphony concert, but playing solo is a whole different thing, which obviously you are well aware. I have been playing it for people to have the experience of playing it as much as possible though I don't have it memorized yet.  My left hand gets so tense and tired and this only occurs when I am playing solo! I am hoping you have some helpful hints or insights. Also, on a fun note, where do you purchase your awesome gowns?”

Random Musical Thought: Should each classical concert only have music from a specific sub-genre like rock concerts?
A conversation with violinist and educator Bridgid Bibbens about using rock music to inspire string students. Includes information about the Electrify Your Strings program and the Mark Wood Rock Orchestra Camp.
total playing time: 51:25

Would you like to be featured on Violin Adventures? Just send your question via text or as an MP3 attachment to rachelbartonpine@aol.com and listen for your answer on Inquiries From My Inbox!
Thanks for listening!
Violin Adventures with Rachel Barton Pine is produced by Windy Apple Studios www.windyapple.com

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