This podcast was recorded over the three weeks I spent volunteering at an Eco Yoga Park near General Rodriguez, 60km west of Buenos Aires in Argentina.
Run by Hare Krishna devotees, and known by its other name Nueva Vrindavan, the Eco Yoga Park proved to be a wonderful break after nearly 8 months on the road. At only US $12 a day for food accommodation and yoga and meditation classes, it was also great value.
Show notes
As it's a longer podcast than normal, I thought I'd include a summary of contents with approximate timings:
0-7 mins - Introduction, temple sounds, why I came to the Eco Yoga Park
7-9 mins - Temple Service sounds
9-19 mins - Interview with Svayam, a Hare Krishna Monk/Devotee
19-21 - Hatha Yoga session
21-29 - Tour of the Eco Yoga Park grounds
29-39 - Inteview with Jameson & Laura, two volunteers
39-44 - Sounds, music....