This episode of Henry ArtCasts explores different aspects of collecting and information exchange through a series of three conversations. The first section includes excerpts from a discussion between Seattle collectors William and Ruth True and the Henry’s Chief Curator Elizabeth Brown that occurred in conjunction with the closing of the exhibition Mouth Open, Teeth Showing. […]
+ROOM-ROOM is a pair of sound installations created by artists Yann Novak and Jamie Drouin. Using ambient sound gathered from seemingly identical galleries, the artists are able to subtlety articulate...
Jacob Dahlgren is a painter, sculptor, and conceptual artist who works to a large extent with unconventional materials. The artist finds abstraction in everyday objects, which he employs to create dyn...
This two part episode features a tour of the art on campus with Former University of Washington Art Administrator Kurt Kiefer and Henry Art Gallery Associate Director for Communications and Outreach B...
This past November the Henry was proud to host visiting Artist, Eve Sussman for the opening of Adaptation and the Henry Open House. Prior to the opening on Thursday, November 20th we were joined by Ev...
In conjunction with the exhibition of photography by French photographer Jean-Luc Mylayne, the first segment of this ArtCast explores themes of subject matter, compositional elements, and color presen...
Design plays a complex role in the viewer’s experience of contemporary art. Both the architectural and graphic design of the space and words surrounding works in a museum require an intricate process ...
Kim Jones emerged from the 1970s performance art movement in Southern California, where he became widely known for his alter ego, Mudman. Kim Jones: A Retrospective shows the network interconnecting h...