
Art and Science of Time Crystal

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    Wyken reviews the science of Volume 1 and discusses the transition to Volume 2, which will commence on Feb 10....
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    • 14 years ago
    Wyken talks about preparing a new Podiobooks volume and continues his explanation of negative energy strings by describing wormholes....
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    • 14 years ago
    Wyken examines how Episode 24 of Time Crystal evolved during the recording of the podcast. In the science section he continues with his examination of negative energy strings....
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    • 14 years ago
    Wyken talks about what Cjingha means by ‘negative energy’ and talks about his new format for Time Crystal Volume 1....
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    • 14 years ago
    Wyken examines the book market and explores some of the problems facing an author-publisher attempting to sell books....
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    • 14 years ago
    Wyken explains some strange music, discusses more re-organisation of the plot, announces a translation website and a new Time Crystal Store....
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    • 14 years ago
    Wyken expands episode 20 during the podcast editing process, does the ironing, watches Harry Potter and thinks about re-organising his own plot....
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    • 14 years ago
    Wyken describes how he uses photographs to help him research the visual appearance of scenes in Time Crystal, such as George and Alex landing at Malvoisin and flying down to Entrement. On the way he d...
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    • 15 years ago
    Wyken talks about the new Newsletter, the software and the ideas which arose from it. He also discusses l’Etranger by Albert Camus....
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    • 15 years ago
    Wyken discusses finding the character’s voice, literally. In this case it is Sofie Dialektaki. He also announces a new newsletter and explains what will happen to profits from the sale of Volume 1....
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    • 15 years ago
    Wyken talks about the joys and pains (literally!) of using audio editing software to produce podcasts, with especial reference to producing alien voices....
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    • 15 years ago
    Wyken talks about Episode 15, the way the song was written and then he ponders on the following remark from Catriona: ‘I wish I knew more about all this (meaning pregnancy). Why don’t they teach thing...
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    • 15 years ago
    Wyken reports on what he has learned about public relations and how it relates to the things he is already doing....
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    • 15 years ago
    Wyken explores how to promote his work and also gives an update on the start of the LHC at CERN....
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    • 15 years ago
    Wyken explains the various graphical methods he has used over the years to plot out scenes. This podcast is supplemented by a video and images on
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    • 15 years ago
    Wyken discusses how to write a scene, exploring the point of view character and whether to use the top-down or bottom-up method....
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    • 15 years ago
    Wyken replays his interview with Rhonda Carpenter which was first broadcast on PodioRacket on October 8, 2009. You can get more of their broadcasts and listen to them live at
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    • 15 years ago
    Wyken continues his investigation of black holes by considering how quantum mechanics affects them, then he takes you on a journey into a black hole....
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    • 15 years ago
    In an attempt to find out whether Sam could really have been swallowed by the black, Wyken investigates the general theory of relativity and its predictions about black holes....
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    • 15 years ago
    Wyken talks about the difficulties of not having an editor and makes listeners an offer they cannot refuse in exchange for a little feedback....
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    • 15 years ago
    Wyken Seagrave explores the mechanism by which the black hole causes the emergency stairs to collapse. This requires some knowledge of magnets and superconductors, helium cooling and quenches. It turn...
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    • 15 years ago
    Wyken talks about CERN and the LHC and how scientists have assessed the risks associated with generating black holes and other novel particles. Mostly they rely on the evidence of cosmic rays but have...
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    • 15 years ago
    Wyken explains the origin of the cosmic monopole. Do they exist and if so is it feasible that one might get trapped inside ATLAS?...
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    • 15 years ago
    Wyken talks about the characters in Time Crystal, how they were created and his problems in doing this and how he finally solved the problem....
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    • 15 years ago
    Wyken talks about the many origins of the scenario for Time Crystal, explaining how he arrived at the final form of the story over a period of several years of research, but avoiding an spoilers!...
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    • 15 years ago
    Wyken talks about why he is writing Time Crystal and trying to tell the history of the Universe as a work of fiction. He also gives some insight into why he is creating the Art and Science podcasts....
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    • 15 years ago