
Mothering Earth Podcast

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    Photographs showing environmental devastation caused by humans can have a powerful impact, and can change minds and drive people to take action. In this program, you’ll meet an acclaimed National Ge...
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    • 2 months ago
    Most of the animal food products you buy come from what are called factory farms. That includes beef, chicken, turkey, and pork, as well as eggs and dairy products. The animals in these “farms” live m...
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    • 3 months ago
    Perhaps later today, you will head to the grocery store to get some fresh fruits and vegetables, which are important for a healthy diet. In this program, we’re looking at the issue of pesticide use on...
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    • 4 months ago
    Do you have a favorite tree? Whether you do or not, almost all of us have enjoyed the shade of a tree or eaten fruit or nuts that came from a tree. Trees provide us with numerous “services” while jus...
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    • 5 months ago
    Are milk, cheese and other dairy products really the best source of calcium in our food? You may be surprised to learn that plants are a better source of calcium and the many other nutrients we need f...
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    • 6 months ago
    A recent survey commissioned by the Arbor Day Foundation found that ninety percent of Americans say time spent in green spaces makes them happier and less stressed. Practitioners of ecopsychology w...
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    • 7 months ago
    The extreme weather we've been experiencing lately has it roots in climate change according to most scientists. Intense heat, extreme storms that bring damaging winds and hail and that result in flood...
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    • 8 months ago
    Humans have created millions of miles of roads all over the planet. Roads are useful to move goods and people, but they are also intrusions into what were once wild places, where animals roamed free. ...
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    • 9 months ago
    Insects have superpowers and unique ways of communicating with each other, without the use of cell phones. They have ways of settling disputes, no United Nations required. If you don’t believe this, l...
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    • 10 months ago
    Insects, bugs, pests, whatever you may call them, and whether you love or hate them, they are vital to our planet and by extension to us humans. They provide important ecosystem services by recycling ...
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    • 11 months ago
    In our second show with Amy Ziff of MADE SAFE®, a nonprofit organization that provides certification for nontoxic products, we examine the process companies must go through in order to have their prod...
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    • 1 year ago
    The numbers vary, but we can safely say that there are at least forty-thousand chemicals used in consumer products in the United States. They are found in everything from food and water to furniture, ...
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    • 1 year ago
    Billions of pounds of food go to waste every year in the United States and in other parts of the world. It is an astounding number, especially when you consider all the precious resources, like water,...
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    • 1 year ago
    The world’s oceans are suffering from pollution by everything from plastics to dangerous chemicals and oil spills, and from industrial overfishing. Fish populations are being depleted almost to extin...
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    • 1 year ago
    When you think of perennial crops, you may think of fruit or nut trees, not plants like wheat or rice, which are traditionally planted every year. An organization called The Land Institute, based in S...
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    • 1 year ago
    People who live in cities in marginalized neighborhoods rarely own land on which they can grow their own food. Generally, their food comes from corner stores which may not stock fresh fruits and veget...
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    • 1 year ago
    Most people may not think much about where the wood they use in building projects comes from, but Jordan Zettle aims to change that. Zettle is the Green Markets Manager at an organization called Susta...
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    • 1 year ago
    Like many other creatures, populations of frogs, toads and salamanders, which are classified as amphibians, are in decline. Amphibians have many important functions in the environment. For example, th...
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    • 1 year ago
    What if you knew that a particular industry was polluting our waterways, land and air, yet nothing was being done about it? The industry is animal agriculture, specifically CAFOs, concentrated animal...
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    • 1 year ago
    If you are curious about nature and would enjoy observing and reporting your observations, this is the show for you! Citizen scientists are needed in many different fields of science. Citizen science ...
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    • 1 year ago
    Water is essential to life in so many ways, and water is the focus of the Wyland Foundation. You may know of the artist named Wyland, who has spent years creating enormous murals featuring whales and ...
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    • 1 year ago
    Pollution of the Earth’s waterways and oceans by discarded plastic products and by microplastics that soak up toxic chemicals is a growing problem that is harmful to ocean and river life and to humans...
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    • 1 year ago
    Alleys have a reputation for being places to avoid. We may think of them as dangerous, dark, uninviting, places where you do not want to linger for long, if at all. But alleys are experiencing a dram...
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    • 2 years ago
    Compared to meat-based diets, plant-based diets are significantly less harmful to the environment in terms of greenhouse gases produced, and air, soil and water pollution, and use far fewer natural re...
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    • 2 years ago
    We all need a place to live, but the type of housing we choose has an effect on the environment. Ideally, our housing choices have minimal impact on the environment, on the land, the quality of the ai...
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    • 2 years ago
    Imagine if everyone who has a garden area, whether vast or tiny, decided to reduce or eliminate their lawn, and planted plants that are native to their part of the world. The result would be a greater...
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    • 2 years ago
    We count on them to guard our homes, to play our music and television shows, to entertain us with games, to call and chat with friends, relatives and colleagues, to clean our clothes, to keep our food...
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    • 2 years ago
    Native plants are local plants. They have been growing in a particular region for possibly thousands of years. They grow well without much “care” because they are well adapted to the habitat. They lik...
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    • 2 years ago
    When large populations of grasshoppers and crickets appear in western rangelands in the U.S., the government sprays those areas with pesticides to kill the targeted insects. The spraying program also ...
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    • 2 years ago
    As we all know, there are far too many plastics in our world and unlike most materials, plastics do not readily break down. It is estimated that plastic takes 500 to 1000 years to decompose. Only abou...
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    • 2 years ago
    Land stewardship is about taking care of the soil, of native grasses, trees and shrubs, and of sources of water, such as rivers, lakes, creeks and streams. The aim is to preserve and maintain the biod...
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    • 2 years ago
    Putting a tax on carbon emissions from fossil fuels isn’t a new idea. Many governments worldwide now implement either direct taxes on fossil fuels, or have set up cap-and-trade programs. This includes...
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    • 2 years ago
    Most of the animal food products you buy come from what are called factory farms. That includes your beef, chicken, turkey, and pork, as well as eggs and dairy products. The animals in these “farms” l...
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    • 2 years ago
    Food is clearly an essential item for all of us, but for some people buying food, especially things like fresh fruits and vegetables, is an impossibility. That's where places like food pantries and or...
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    • 2 years ago
    In part two of our exploration of food forests, our guides Nathan Hunter of the Bronx River Foodway and Umair Khakoo, of the Festival Beach Food Forest in Austin, TX, focus on biodiversity, ecosystem ...
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    • 3 years ago
    A food forest is a public green space where anyone can come, and not only enjoy relaxing among the trees and flowers, but where anyone can pick and eat the fruit from the trees, and harvest herbs, flo...
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    • 3 years ago
    Water is a blessing to all living things. But water also can be dangerous and deadly, in the form of catastrophic flooding. When there is very little water, resulting droughts lead to loss of life. Th...
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    • 3 years ago
    Herbicide-Free Campus is an organization that provides students with the tools and resources to eliminate synthetic herbicide use on their school or college campuses. It is a movement that began in 20...
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    • 3 years ago
    Enjoying that salad, or anticipating that yummy apple? Thank a pollinator! Almost all the fruits and vegetables and legumes we eat every day require pollination, and that requires pollinators. Polli...
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    • 3 years ago
    Most people enjoy listening to birdsong, or watching birds in an outdoor space, as they go about finding food and water, and making nests where they will raise their babies. There are things you can...
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    • 3 years ago
    Power generation and transportation are huge contributors to climate change, but did you know that what we eat every day is also a big contributor to damaging carbon emissions? Yet this problematic ar...
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    • 3 years ago
    Imagine a day when your trash contains only a few items. Instead of a large, heavy, bursting bag that you carry out to the curb, your bag is small and lightweight. That’s a goal we can all work toward...
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    • 3 years ago
    As cities grow, people in them yearn for parkland and green spaces where they can connect with nature. In the city of San Marcos, Texas, citizens got together and formed a group with a mission of crea...
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    • 3 years ago
    Permaculture is a way of growing food that works with nature, to minimize waste and to use energy, water and human labor efficiently. It requires careful observation of the natural landscape, to deter...
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    • 3 years ago
    Hemp is a plant that can be grown sustainably, and that has a wide variety of uses from food to clothing, to car parts. and even walls for your house. Despite many positives, hemp's reputation remains...
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    • 3 years ago
    Don't kill those weeds. Eat them! That's what foragers do. You'll be amazed at the number of plants we call weeds, that are tasty and nutritious. Learn how to start foraging for wild edible plants, ma...
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    • 3 years ago
    Have you thought about how many plastic items you use every day? It is quite a staggering amount, from our toothbrushes, to the plastic bags in which we carry home our groceries, to the water bottles ...
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    • 4 years ago
    Most environmental policy experts and environmental organizations have largely ignored one of the major contributors to environmental destruction, namely the production of animal flesh for food. They ...
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    • 4 years ago
    The production of meat pollutes land, water and air. It is a major contributor to climate change, although it remains largely unacknowledged, even by most environmental organizations. Why can't we fac...
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    • 4 years ago
    Most of the water we use is used outdoors. A lot of it goes to watering lawns. Water conservation outside the house means designing gardens that use less water, and using more efficient ways of wateri...
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    • 4 years ago