We're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Some new news out of Draenor has brought me from the workshop back to your ears, as we discuss some upcoming leaked profession changes coming in WoW 6.0
We check out the handy dandy Gnomish Shrink Ray... and you get a bonus blooper reel at the end of my trying and failing many times to get through the whole segment!
After recovering from that little teleporter mishap, I'm back with the Goblin counterpart to the Deweaponised mechanical companion. The Personal World Destroyer!
After a little Accident with the Ultrasafe Transporter: Toshleys Station I'm sounding a little... off? but that won't stop me from bringing this 50th Spare Parts to you all!
This was a very special edition of Spare Parts, broadcast LIVE as part of All Things Azeroth ep321, with questions from email, and questions LIVE from the chatroom! I hope you enjoy this long...
Patch 5.0 is here, and Pandaria is out and accessible. TIme to get into the new expansions tinkers gagdets and bombs, where we start with the G91 Landshark
Spare Parts 21 - How to show everyone you are a proud engineer, by transmogging your helmet into a pair of goggles - The latest goggles from the Twilight Highlands