
The Partial Historians

The Partial Historians
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    We review the way that Ancient Rome and life in the provinces were portrayed in Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979)....
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    • 2 weeks ago
    Join the Partial Historians for a handy summary of what the ancient sources have recorded about events in Rome in the 400s BCE....
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    • 1 month ago
    Get a cheeky preview of 'Your Cheeky Guide to the Roman Empire' with our bonus chapter on the rebellious gladiator, Spartacus....
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    • 1 month ago
    We jump into the year 400 BCE. This is the year we've been waiting for. Drum roll, it's time for a plebeian break-through into power!...
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    • 1 month ago
    We discuss the terrible men who ruled the Roman Empire as we interview the author LJ Trafford about her latest history, Ancient Rome's Worst Emperors....
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    • 1 month ago
    Rome is beset with difficulties, including wars, trials, and scandals. But by the end of the year, the plebeians will score an impressive victory in the Struggle of the Orders....
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    • 2 months ago
    Let's take a tour of some of Rome's most early structures, including the Tullianum, the Cloaca Maxima, the Circus Maximus, and Ostia!...
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    • 3 months ago
    It's 402 BCE and Rome and Veii are tooth and nail in siege mode. Rome seems to be on the front foot, but can they stay there?...
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    • 3 months ago
    We interview Professor Stephanie McCarter, the author of a ground-breaking new translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses....
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    • 3 months ago
    Representing the patricians, Appius Claudius fights with the tribunes of the plebs over the terms of military service in Rome's war with Veii. Get ready for some rhetorical fireworks!...
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    • 4 months ago
    The topography of regal Rome was very different to today. We sit down with Neil, the Ancient Blogger, to explore the details....
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    • 5 months ago
    Rome contends with the Etruscan city of Veii and the Volscian city of Artena. Will they win the day with the support of Servius Romanus?...
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    • 5 months ago
    In this episode, we talked about the style and function of Augustus' mausoleum and how it was repurposed over time with Dr Victoria Austen. This unique monument has as much to tell us about later peri...
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    • 6 months ago
    406 BCE stands out for the assertion that this year is the first time the Roman soldiers receive pay for their service. Show me the money!...
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    • 6 months ago
    Dr Bret Devereaux joins us to discuss all things military and the development of the army in the early years of Ancient Rome. How did Rome go from raids to world domination?...
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    • 7 months ago
    It's 407 BCE and the Romans face a significant military setback at Verrugo. Is Roman dominance at risk? Their enemies may have the upper hand!...
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    • 7 months ago
    The Romans have to battle a coalition from Antium, the Volscii and the Aequii. To win, they elect a dictator, but not everyone is pleased....
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    • 8 months ago
    We delve into the world of Roman names. How do we understand who’s who? We’re consider the complexities of ancient Roman naming conventions!...
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    • 9 months ago
    In 409 BCE, there is drama in Rome when the plebeians set their sights on electing one of their own to the quaestorship....
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    • 9 months ago
    The Partial Historians recap what the ancient sources have recorded for the 410s BCE in Ancient Rome....
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    • 9 months ago
    The citadel of Carventum enters Roman history when the Volsicans and Aequians squeeze Rome’s allies the Hernicians… how will Rome respond?...
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    • 10 months ago
    We sit down with Dr Emma Southon to discuss her brand new book. We delve into the real and very fascinating lives of Rome's women....
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    • 11 months ago
    In this episode we tackle the years 413 and 412 BCE. These years come hard on the back of the murder of the patrician Postumius. Rome is facing challenges that seem to be bound up in the spolia in tim...
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    • 11 months ago
    We delve into more ancient Roman conflict which revolves around the patrician Postumius, described by historians as a wrongheaded man....
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    • 1 year ago
    This episode features Professor Alastair Blanshard in a conversation about the representation of classical myths in Disney's Hercules (1997)....
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    • 1 year ago
    This episode delves into more conflict between the Romans and the Aequians, as well as some more classic Conflict of the Orders....
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    • 1 year ago
    We sit down with Yentl Love to take a deep dive in the layered symbolism of the classical allusions in Lil Nas X's music video for 'Call Me By Your Name'....
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    • 1 year ago
    We consider the drama of 419 and 418 BCE. These years are packed with exciting moments as we get to learn about an uprising from below...!...
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    • 1 year ago
    We sit down to chat with Genn and Jenny, the fabulous cohosts of the Ancient History Fan Girl podcast about their book Women of Myth!...
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    • 1 year ago
    The Partial Historians recap the major events in Ancient Rome during the 420s BCE....
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    • 1 year ago
    We tackle the drama of 420 BCE by taking a look at the trials of Sempronius and the Vestal Virgin, Postumia....
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    • 1 year ago
    Part two of our deep dive into the classic sword and sandal epic, Quo Vadis (1951). How was the film shaped by its context? Let's find out!...
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    • 1 year ago
    422 and 421 BCE see the fall-out of Sempronius' military disaster with the Volsci. But things are about to get complicated as four tribunes, previous cavalry leaders, emerge as a political force to be...
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    • 1 year ago
    Quo Vadis (1951) is a roaring sword and sandals film from Hollywood. Herein we cover some of the context and the major arc of the plot....
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    • 1 year ago
    Rome faces disaster as the consul Gaius Sempronius takes a negligent approach to battle preparation. Will plucky plebeian Sextus Tempanius save the day?...
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    • 1 year ago
    No war to fight? No grumpy neighbours to quibble with? Whatever shall Rome do? One thing's for sure, it's a good time to be a plebeian!...
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    • 1 year ago
    With its mix of ancient Rome and early Christianity, The Robe (1953) is a fascinating film. We come to grips with its classical reception....
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    • 1 year ago
    The bromance between Mamercus and Cossus knows no bounds. One swift cavalry move later and these two are riding high for Rome!...
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    • 1 year ago
    We recap the confusing details of the 430s BCE. There's a lot of dictators about, a political assassination, and some great Latin names!...
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    • 1 year ago
    We're celebrating ten years of The Partial Historians podcast with our top ten moments from Roman history so far!...
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    • 1 year ago
    The years of 430-428 BCE are a hazy time for recorded Roman history. We dip in to see the lay of the land and catch up on the drought!...
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    • 1 year ago
    Postumius Tubertus becomes dictator in Rome. What happens under his command will make history and but necessarily for all the right reasons......
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    • 1 year ago
    When enslaved people rose up against their masters in ancient Rome, what role did the women play? We're about to find out!...
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    • 1 year ago
    Military tribunes with consular power, men all dressed up in their white togas (toga candida only please). It's early republican mayhem!...
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    • 1 year ago
    It's the mid-430s BCE. Rome is feeling the pressure of their neighbours, so they order dictators by the dozen. It's going to be a ride!...
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    • 1 year ago
    The power of vegetal symbolism in the age of Augustus is revealed by looking closely at the Ara Pacis and the Garden Room of Livia's Villa...
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    • 1 year ago
    The 430s BCE are a challenging time for Rome. Aulus Cornelius Cossus is a perfect example of the issues of historical chronology!...
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    • 1 year ago
    Medea is powerful, semi-divine, and has an axe to grind with Jason!...
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    • 2 years ago
    Aulus Cornelius Cossus is a patrician on a mission. His exploits against Lars Tolumnius will become the stuff of legend....
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    • 2 years ago
    This is our short highlights summary of what the ancient sources tell us about the events of the 440s BCE. Jump in to get quickly up to speed!...
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    • 2 years ago