  • 2 years ago

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  • 21:36:00

آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (72)

آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت به همراه متن - Learn to speak English

آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (72)

We were in Iran last year.

Your number was busy all the time.

I hope to see you again.

It was raining all the time.

I don't remember.

They weren't in Iran.

We were at the mall all day.

They were in Vancouver all week.

My father's always on time.


Mina's father's an engineer.

Her cousin's a teacher.

Her cousin is a teacher.

I'm getting ready.

It's getting cold.

Dinner's ready.

The food's getting cold.

I'm getting ready.

I'm getting tired.

It takes two hours.

To fix your car.

It takes two hours to fix your car.

Are you ready to order?

not yet

We have a lot of food.

I can't eat all of it.

You're late.

Where've you been?

Where have you been?

I was busy.

I was at the bank.

I wanted to deposit some money to my account.

I wanted to withdraw some money from my account.

I wasn't busy.

They were busy.

We were busy.

We were in Tehran last year.

Where were you?

I was at home.

I tried to call you two hours ago.

But your number was busy.

Your number was busy all the time.

It's raining.

It rains all the time.

Ali reads a book all the time.

I can't fix my car.

without your help

I can't fix my car without your help.

What's your daughter's job?

She's an engineer.

What does your son do?

He's a teacher.

It was raining yesterday.

It's hard to find a job.

Did you fix the phone?

No, I didn't.

Can you fix it tomorrow?

Of course I can.

When were you in Iran last time?

When was the last time you were in Iran?

about six month ago

almost four years ago

All my relatives live there.

I hope to see them soon.

I hope to see you again.

You're a teacher.

You're not a teacher.

You were not home.

You weren't home.

We weren't home.

Did Mina call?

Yes, but you weren't home.

I hope she calls again.

I have to call Mina.

What's her phone number?

Let me think.

I'm sorry, I can't remember her number.

What's the meaning of the word remember?

What does remember mean?

It means ... .

I can't remember her number

Do you remember her address?

I don't remember.

Remember this number.


A: Mina, do you remember the name of Ali's friend?

B: Which friend?

A: Remember we were at Ali's house almost five month ago.

B: Yes, I remember that.

A: He was there, too. I was talking to him about getting a loan.

B: Oh, yes. You mean the young man with the blue jacket.

A: That's right. He works for a loan company.

B: What do you want from him?

A: All I want to know is the name of the company he's working for.

B: You can call Ali, and get the name and number from him.

A: That's a good idea. I just hope he's still working there. I mean Ali's friend.

B: Or you can call another loan company, and ask them any questions you have.

A: I know, but my parents used to have a mortgage with his company, and they were

very happy with it.

B: Then call your parents and get his number.

A: They're on vacation right now.


a few weeks ago

a few minutes ago

a few hours ago

I'm getting ready.

What was the name of the insurance company?

I don't remember.

I was at the mall yesterday.

We were at the mall last Friday.

I was very tired this morning.

Where are you?

Are you at the bank right now?

Yes, I am.

Were you at the bank yesterday?

Yes, I was.

I saw you there.

I was at the mall all they.

We were at the mall all they.

They were in Vancouver all week.

I'm talking on the phone.

I was talking on the phone.

I called you three times.

Your number was busy all the time.

I'm sorry.

I was talking to my father.

I hope to see him soon.

I can't remember Ali's address.

Saman, why are you always late?

Why are you always late?

You're never on time.

Ali's always on time.

He's always on time.

I was on time this time.

He arrived on time.

Ali works very hard.



We were.



We were not.

We weren't.


all the time

on time



I remember now.


The meeting started at six o'clock.

Did the meeting start on time?

What time did Mina arrive?

I really don't remember.

What was Sahar's number?

I can't remember her cell phone number.

Did you talk to Ali about his trip?

Yes, I was talking to him all day.

How was the weather in Germany?

It was rainy all the time.

But I still like Germany.

I hope you find a good job soon.

Ali's never late.

He's always on time.

They're from Iran.

Were they from Iran?

I don't know.

We're almost ready.

The food's getting cold.

How old is your daughter?

She's almost ten.

Were you at the post office this morning?

I don't remember.

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