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آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (59)

آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت به همراه متن - Learn to speak English

آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (59)

It's a quarter to seven.

Ali is on the airplane.

Have you ever been to Iran?

When are you coming back?

Where's my key?

That's a good idea.


What are you looking for?

I'm looking for the restroom.

Do you know where it is?

I think it's over there.

But I'm not sure.

Excuse me, sir. Where's the restroom?

It's straight ahead on your right.

Thanks a lot.

We have to go to the library.

But today's a holiday.

The libraries are closed today.

No, they're open until three.

Then we can go to a coffee shop on the way.

I have to pick up my son on the way.

But I have to send these letters first.

I have to take these letters to the post office.

Is it Tuesday already?

Yes, why?

Because I have to go to the airport.

My wife's coming from Iran.

What time does her flight arrive?

I have to pick her up at seven o'clock.

What's her flight number?

Can you write it for me?

Of course I can.

Can you drive a little faster, please?

I'm driving as fast as I can.

I can't drive as fast as you.

But our cars are the same.

No, my car isn't the same as yours.

But their color is the same.

They're both black.

But mine is older than yours.

Yours isn't older than mine.

I have to pick up my daughter from the park.

Can we go to the airport on the way?

You missed the airport exit already.

You missed the exit for the airport already.

But I have to pick up my wife.


A: Hi, Peter. How are you?

B: Not bad, John. I'm going to the airport. I have to pick up my daughter.

A: What time do you have to pick her up?

B: Well, her flight arrives at seven.

A: Then you can pick her up at seven forty-five.

B: What time is it right now?

A: It's seven o'clock.

B: It's seven o'clock already? I have to go to the post office on the way, but I don't have

time. Can you send these letters for me?

A: Of course I can.

B: Okay. thanks a lot. See you tomorrow.

A: Take care.


What time is it now?

It's six forty-five.

Is it six forty-five already?

Yes, it's a quarter to seven.

It's a quarter to seven.

Can we visit Mina on the way?

We don't have enough time.

Drive as fast as you can.

It's only a quarter to seven.

I have to pick up my wife from the airport.

I don't want her to wait.

When does her flight arrive?

Her flight arrives at a quarter to nine.

Where's she right now?

She's on the airplane.

She's not here yet.

She's still on the airplane.

Have you ever been on an airplane?

No, I have never been on an airplane.

No, I've never been on an airplane before.

Have you ever been on a vacation?

No, not yet.

Where's your daughter?

She's in Paris right now.

She's visiting her cousin.

How long is she going to stay there?

She's coming back next week.

Are your parents still in Iran?

Yes, they've been there for six weeks.

But they're coming back next Friday.

How old is your son?

He's twenty.

He's twenty years old.

Is he still in Washington?

Yes, but he's coming next weekend.

Can he drive?

Yes, he can.

But he doesn't have a car yet.

I bought him a new car last week.

But he doesn't know that yet.

Here's the key to his new car.

What's the meaning of the word key?

What does the word key mean?

The meaning of the word key is ... .


Here's the key to his new car.

What are you looking for?

I'm looking for my key.

Have you seen it?

I saw it in the drawer last time.

Did you find it?

No, not yet.

Is this your key?

Are these your keys?

Yes, these are my keys.

Where did you find them?

in the kitchen

Did you call your wife?

Yes, I called her yesterday.

She's coming back next Tuesday.

What's your plan for this afternoon?


Would you like to go to the movies together?

Yes, I would.

That's a good idea.


I have a good car.

I have a good idea.

We can go to a restaurant for lunch.

and from there

We can walk to the park.

And after that we can go to the movies.

That's a good idea.

What's your phone number?

What's your flight number?

flight fifty-five

My flight number is fifty-five.

Airplanes are much faster than cars.

Have you ever been on an airplane?

Yes, I have been on an airplane a few times.

Have you ever been to Esfahan?

Yes, I was there last year.

Did you like Esfahan?

Yes, I did.

I'm planning to go there next year, too.

That's a good idea.

I have a better idea.

Did you pick up your friend from the airport?

Yes, I did.

car keys

Omid's car keys

Where are Omid's car keys?

I have to pick up my children from the park.

The keys are on the floor.

I was very busy yesterday.











That's a good Idea.


I was very busy yesterday.

I'm sorry I didn't call you.

But I called your son.

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